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The President of ALKAYAN Visited The Patriarch
MOU to Provide Mobile Clinics service
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 Issam Mohammed Abu Darwish
 Date of Birth: 1940

• Graduated from the teachers college majoring in physical education on 1960.

• Licensed coach in soccer from the League of Arab States and attended two training camps in Lebanon on 1960 and Tunisia on 1967.

• Practiced political journalism from the year 1960 as a managing editor for a daily political newspaper on 1967.

• On 1968 I issued a weekly political magazine and from the year 1997 to 2003 I practiced hidden political activities which I don’t find useful to mention although it included an important that stage of the Lebanese reality and other Arabian and regional arrangements that had clear results.

• And because of personal reasons coming from a specific political position and my faith during that time that the journalism in Lebanon became as a betrayal for cerebration, and the journalism situation during that time was fluctuating between journalism of regimes and mercenary journalism so I decided to close both journalism institutions, however after a while I changed my mind on opened another daily political news paper which was not printed until now because of the same reasons.

• On the year 2004 I established an institution that include medical and educational centers that offer free services for the needy people, there are 8 centers spreading from Beirut and covering all the south region in addition to first aid and field medical centers and other social humanitarian services.

We also coordinate with the United Nations Interim forces deployed in south of Lebanon, we have reached to a level serving around 2500 patient per day, we also offer financial contributions for clubs and organizations and food aid shares in Ramadan and all crisis that Lebanon pass by.

Our Lebanese Patriots Did It Again

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Alkayan During the July 2006 War
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the Geneva Conventions of 12 August 1949All publications
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